Auch in diesem Schuljahr besuchte eine Gruppe amerikanischer Studenten unsere Schule. Das zweistündige Treffen war von Karin Menghin zusammen mit Michael de Rachewiltz von der Brunnenburg organisiert worden und fand zum dritten Mal statt (2015 mit dem RG, 2016 mit zwei 4.Klassen der Elektronikfachrichtung). Continue reading Besuch aus Minnesota

Karin Menghin koordinierte die Begegnung mit Studenten aus den USA
Kürzlich bekamen die zwei 4. Klassen der Elektroniker Besuch von Studenten der St. Andrews University in North Carolina (USA). Während die 4 BEL mit den Studenten eine Schulführung bis hinunter in die Labors in Englisch machten, plauderten die Schüler der 4 AEL über verschiedene Themen, z.B. die Schulsysteme bei uns und jene in den USA. Continue reading Besuch aus North Carolina
Während unsere Schule 2015 Besuch von US-amerikanischen Studenten im Realgymnasium hatte, ist dieses Jahr die TFO an der Reihe. Studenten eines College aus North Carolina, die für einige Monate auf der Brunnenburg wohnen und studieren sowie in Italien Exkursionen machen, werden im Rahmen eines kleinen Projekts von den Schülern der 4. Klassen Elektronik auch durch unsere Schule geführt. Continue reading US students on visit
We, the three third classes of the “Gewerbeoberschule O. v. Miller Meran”, spent a week in Galway, Ireland to improve our English. On 24th April we flew from Bergamo to Dublin. Then we travelled to Galway by bus. It took us a couple of hours to get there. Our host families were waiting for us when we arrived. There were two of us staying with each host family. The host families provided us with some packed lunch and had dinner with us in the evening. During the day we attended English lessons at the Atlantic Language School in Galway. In addition to ordinary school lessons we had some afternoon and evening activities as well as two day trips. During a Galway city tour and a treasure hunt, which we did in the afternoon, we got to know the city and learnt something about the history of the city. When we had some time off we got to know some native speakers and practiced our English this way.
One evening we had a game of bowling with our teachers, another evening we attended a greyhound race where we could even gamble a little bit. Everyone was having a blast!
During our first day trip we explored the Aaran Islands by bike. We got to the islands by ferry and then rode our bicycles across Inishmore, the largest of the Aaran islands, until we reached an ancient stone fort called Dún Aengus.
Before flying home on 1st May we had a bus tour through the Irish countryside. We stopped by some castles and pubs. In County Clare we checked out the Burren, a karste landscape region that featured portal tombs dating back to the Neolithic period. And we finally ended up at the Cliffs of Moher, Ireland’s top tourist attraction. We had a good walk around and took some beautiful pictures of breathtaking scenery.
We got to know the Irish people, their culture and their country and we had a truly good time in Ireland.
Gamper Philipp